Diary Entry Format 2024: Diary Writing, Topics, Examples

Are you confused about how to write a diary entry or diary writing? If yes, and browsing the format of the diary entry then don’t worry because you’ve landed at the right place. In this blog post, I will share the complete diary entry format which is valid for class 6, class 7, class 8, class 9, and class 10. However, the word limit for diary entries may increase with the increase in classes.

Keeping a diary has been a regular practice with many great people in the past. Diary writing is a brief and personal type of writing. It is written in an intimate tone and style. Sometimes diary is addressed as “Dear Diary”. Anne Frank, the famous teenager whose diary – “The Diary of a Young Girl,” – has become world-famous, addresses the diary as “Dear Kitty” as if the diary were a close friend. It is, however, not essential to address it.

What is Diary Entry?

It is a type of personal diary consisting of a number of pages in which each page is arranged according to the date and time it was written. On each page of the diary entry, the author writes about his Feelings, Emotions, Thoughts, Memories, Activities, and Daily Life Incidents according to the date and time. Even diary writing involves the cutting of pictures and newspapers according to the event concerned.

A diary entry is written in the first person as it is a personal narrative describing the writer’s feelings, thoughts, and ideas. It is quite talking to a close friend or confidant or even to oneself. It helps the writer to connect with his or her inner feelings and thoughts and analyse them.

It helps one to think clearly and gather together thoughts and ideas. It also helps one to collect the writer’s experiences, dreams and imaginings. It allows a personal and free expression of feelings and emotions that the writer may be unwilling or unable to share with anyone else.

How to Write Diary Entry

  1. First, write the name of the day.
  2. After that, write the date including the month and year.
  3. Write relevant times according to your content.
  4. Then salutation (Dear Diary).
  5. Write the body of the diary in short and simple language.
  6. Last, after finishing your body writing, write your name or put your signature.

Diary Entry Format

Day, Full Date


Salutation (Dear Diary),


Points to Remember

  • The date and day must be mentioned, preferably at the top left-hand corner.
  • The contents of the diary should be brief, and without ambiguity.
  • The description may be detailed or telegraphic.
  • Entries should look real and natural.
  • One’s own reaction to the situation should be made clear.
  • Do not exceed the limit of 150 words.

Diary Writing Examples

Example 1:- You are Kanta/Raman. You have experienced an unusually happy day in your life. Record your feelings in a diary entry of about 100 words.

Thursday, 20th May 20__

9:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

When I got up at 6, it seemed to be just like any other day, dull and hot. But at about 9, I got a call from my friend-I’s topped my class in the annual examination. I could not believe my ears. At 12 o’clock, I got a parcel from my uncle who lives in America. When I opened the parcel I could not believe my eyes. Uncle has sent me a beautiful digital camera. He knows my passion for photography. I think God has blessed me in many ways. I think him for all that I have got and I’ll get.

Raman Kumar

Example 2:- You dislike the behaviour of some of your friends. Write a diary entry about your feelings in about 120 words.

Monday, 4th January 20__

9:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today I feel quite sad! Rohit annoyed me greatly today by pushing me in the playground for no reason. I fell down and might have had a fracture. But luckily, I got no injury. Rohit is becoming aggressive day by day. Then there is Sohan. He is always abusive. He does not even spare his teachers. He calls them names, of course, in their absence. I feel very bad about it, but am helpless. I do not like Satinder also. He is very mischievous. I think Raman is the best of all my friends. He is well-behaved and cultured. I cherish his company. I feel I should avoid ill-mannered friends. They might land me in trouble one day.

Raju Raj

Example 3:- You are Rohit/Suman who has recently joined a boarding school. You have been able to make a few friends. Record your feelings about them in a diary entry in not more than 100 words.

Tuesday, 11th June 20__

9:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Just a week ago, I was feeling terribly lonely. Now, I have made a few friends who provide good and cheerful company. Sudha is, I think, a trustworthy friend. She is a day scholar, but she finds time to give me company for some time in my hostel room. Ramini is another friend who is my next-door neighbour in the hostel. She is fond of gossiping. I like her company. We go to the mess together to have our lunch and dinner. Komal is another day scholar who is one year senior to me. I like her encouraging nature.


diary entry sample

Diary Entry for College Students

16 September 20XX

8.30 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was the most embarrassing day of my life! I had to present the morning assembly at school and I had prepared the speed on ‘Punctuality’ with so much effort and sincerity, practising till late at night and memorising it to perfection so that I could speak without peering into my paper…and then, of all the silly things that could happen, the alarm failed to wake me up in the morning! As a result, I missed the school bus. So I didn’t want to attend school today as I didn’t know how to face my class teacher but my mother persuaded me that I had to go to school and own up to my mistake. She said that if I am genuinely sorry the teacher would understand.

Convinced, though not entirely, by her persuasion, I reached school an hour later. All eyes followed me and the half-hidden smiles of my classmates mocked me throughout the day. My class teacher looked at me with an expression that said it all. I sheepishly avoided saying anything till she finally called me aside and asked what happened. I apologised to her and then to the class, explaining the cause for my missing the assembly and saying that it was a mistake on my part as I did not check the alarm before sleeping and promised that I would never let such a thing happen again.

To my utter disbelief, my teacher smiled at me and said that such things can happen to anyone. This was an event which should teach everyone the very valuable lesson of punctuality by showing how not being on time literally makes us ‘miss the bus! She said that she would speak with the Principal.

After she had a word with him, he agreed to let me speak at the assembly tomorrow. But he had put one condition–that I would share my own experience with the whole school of having missed the assembly and the lesson I learnt as a result. He also sent word through the teacher that he would share the podium with me to ensure that everyone appreciated my courage to face the whole school and share the lessons learned. That would make the point of punctuality go home to everyone.

I am so glad that my mum and teachers are so supportive. Otherwise, I would have the guilt of having missed the assembly eating me for a while. I can sleep peacefully and early tonight as I don’t have to go through my speech again for tomorrow and I don’t have to fear anything or anyone!


August 2, 20__

10:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

It’s my birthday today. When I got up, I found two nicely wrapped presents kept next to my pillow. I was very excited to see the gifts. Just then, my parents walked into my room. They wished me and together we opened the gifts. I didn’t go to school, as my parents had planned an outing.

We all quickly got dressed and went to watch a film. After the film, we had lunch at my favourite restaurant. My parents then told me that we had to attend a cousin’s party in the evening. When I reached the venue, I was surprised to see all my friends and relatives. My parents had arranged a surprise party for me. I was very happy and thanked them. Later when we came back home, I opened all the gifts. I am very happy, as it was the best birthday ever.


Diary Entry Topics

1. About car driving experience for the first time.2. Going for a dream family vacation.
3. Morning run with friends.4. Accident with cycle.
5. Participate in school a program.6. You read your favourite book.
7. Playing with your dog.8. Favourite day of the week and why?
9. Getting an invitation from your uncle to spend some holidays with him in Shimla.10. What scares you the most?
11. Talk about your favourite sport.12. Watched your favourite movie.

Also Read:- Biographical Sketch Format with Examples

Diary Entry Questions

Q1. On getting a birthday gift you feel very happy. Express your feelings in a diary entry.

Q2. Last week you went out with your family and dined at a famous restaurant in your city. You were taking your meals when all of a sudden your eyes fell on your favourite cine-star. You went to him/her and had a good talk with him/her. You were beside yourself with happiness. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.

Q3. Your father has scolded you for wasting a lot of time playing with your friends. You realize your mistake. Describe your feelings in a diary entry.

Q4. You have a very bad experience of going to school on a rainy day in winter. Record your feelings in a diary entry.

Q5. You find your mother all the time busy with domestic chores. You decide to help her. Write about it in a diary entry in not more than 150 words.

Q6. Write a diary entry on how you spent your day during the lockdown. Write a brief diary writing.

Q7. What are some of the things that you appreciate about online learning?

Q8. Write about some of the things that you wish you could do for your parents. Describe your feelings in a diary writing.

Q9. Write a diary entry about a journey you undertook with your family. You must describe where you went and why, what your experience on the way was and who came to receive you at the station or airport.

Q10. Today you went on a school trip to the National Rail Museum. You and your classmates were surprised to see everything there. Write a diary entry describing what you saw.

Q11. There was an inter-house group dance competition in your school, and your team won it. Write a diary entry about how the performances were and which performance you liked the most.

Q12. You went shopping today with your mother. While buying clothes, you meet a long-lost friend, and you spend the entire day with him/her. Write a diary entry describing what you did.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many words are in a diary entry?

From the examination point of view, 100 to 120 words are good for diary entry writing.

How to start a diary entry?

The Diary entry starts with the day and completes the date after that time.

How to end a diary entry?

Diary entries end with either name or signature.

What is the format of a diary entry?

A short and simple format for a diary entry is
Day, Complete Date

23 thoughts on “Diary Entry Format 2024: Diary Writing, Topics, Examples”

    • My name is Mishra Jahan. I am getting ideas to write a diary so that I can write in 3rd term exam. I am in class 7

  1. Thank uuu all this helped me a lot in my English Final Exam as I am in class 6 so I understand that how important they are.

  2. Thank uuu all this helped me a lot in my English Final Exam as I am in class 6 so I understand that how important they are.


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