Are you looking for a sample of notice writing on lost things in school? If yes, then don’t worry because, in this blog post, I will share some examples of notice writing on lost things such as Books, Geometry Boxes, Water Bottles, pens, and Watch. These samples notice is valid for all classes. You can also modify the school name, date, student name, etc.
So without any further delay, let’s move toward notice writing on lost products.

Notice on Lost Book
Question:- You are Ankit/Anurita Pandey a Class VI student of Arya Public School, Gandhinagar. You lost your library book named “Maths Questions Bank” on the school campus yesterday. Write a notice that should be put up on the notice board of your school informing all the students about this.
Arya Public School, Gandhinagar
Date:- 25th August, 20XX
Topic:- Lost a Book on our School Campus.
This is to inform all fellow students that I lost a book named “Maths Questions Bank” on our school campus yesterday. The book was issued from the library of our school and has a brown colour binding on it. I lost the book during lunch break. Anyone who finds it, please return it to me in my class.
Anurita Pandey (Roll No – 12)
Class VI
Notice on Lost Geometry Box
Question:- You are Mohit/Madhuri Saw of class V of RPB Public School, Jaipur. You lost your geometry box in the school playground last Tuesday. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board informing the students about the loss of your geometry box.
RPB Public School, Jaipur
Date:- 11th May, 20XX
Topic:- Lost Geometry Box.
All the students of our school are hereby informed that a geometry box is lost in our school playground last Tuesday. It was a simple blue colour box having all the stationery products inside the box. Whoever finds the box, please collect it and return it to me in my class.
Mohit Saw (Roll No – 19)
Class V
Notice on Lost Pen
Question:- You are Raman/Suman Sharma a class Xth student of Jai Hind High Secondary School, Ranchi. You lost your pen during fine arts periods in the Drawing room of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words for the school notice board.
Jai Hind High Secondary School, Ranchi
Date:- 22nd October, 20XX
Subject:- Lost Pen.
This is to hereby inform all the students of our school that a pen is lost in our drawing-room of our school yesterday. This is a very precious pen for me because this pen was gifted by my father. So, I request you all that who one had taken please give in the staff room of our school.
Suman Sharma (Roll No – 15)
Class X
Write a Notice on Lost Water Bottle
Question:- Yesterday, during lunch, break you misplaced your water bottle. You want to get them back. Write a notice in about 50 words for the school notice board. You are Manish/Manisha Malhotra, a student in class IV.
Guru Govind Public School, Amritsar
Date:- 22nd February, 20XX
Subject:- Lost Water Bottle
A water bottle of black colour has been lost during lunch break in the playground. If someone finds it, contact the person whose details are given below. The finder would be rewarded with a suitable reward.
Manisha Malhotra (Roll No – 33)
Class IV
Notice Writing on Lost WristWatch
Question:- You lost your Titan wristwatch at your school. Write a notice, not more than 50 words, to be placed on your school notice board. You are a student of class XII of ABC Senior Public School, Pune. Sign as Shivam/Shivani Gupta.
ABC Senior Public School, Pune
Date:- 25th October, 20XX
Topic:- Lost Wrist Watch
Lost a black strap, white dial Titan wristwatch in the school playground during the 6th period yesterday. Anyone who finds it please contact the undersigned in class XII. The finder will be rewarded with a treat in the canteen.
Shivam Gupta (Roll No – 11)
Class XII
This site is very helpful for notice on [things lost ] . I have practiced many questions from this site .