Are you looking for a sample of a report writing on tree plantation programme? If yes, then this blog post is for you. In this post, I will provide you with more than 5 samples of how to write a report on tree plantation programme in school or college or locality in the English language. This report on tree plantation is valid for all classes from class 6 to class 12.
So, let’s move toward the sample of report writing on tree plantation programme.
1. Write a Report on Tree Plantation Programme in Your School
Topic:- Report Writing on Tree Plantation Programme in School.
Report By “Your Name”
Our school XYZ organized a tree plantation programme on the occasion of World Environment Day. The program started with prayer at 8 in the morning. All the students and teachers participated in this program. Also, some local municipality department officers have participated in our program. They guided us on how to plant a sapling properly. The aim of the program is to plant a total of 500 saplings on the school campus and nearby local areas. One by one students and teachers started planting saplings. Firstly, we started planting saplings in the garden of our school campus and after that, we planted saplings in the nearby local areas of our school. Students also made some posters and banners on the importance of tree plantations. We passed banners and posters in the area around our school. So that people read these and know the importance of tree plantation. After our goal of planting 500 trees is achieved, we come to our school. The principal of our school gave a passionate speech on the topic of Environment Day. Finally, the program ended with the singing of the national anthem.
2. Tree Plantation Report Writing
Topic: Write a report on tree plantation programme in your school.
Reported By Aman Sahu
On the occasion of Van Mahotsav which runs from the 1st to the 7th of July in India, our school Jagadamba Public School organized a tree plantation program on the 5th of July. On this day, our school had planned to plant 100 saplings around the school grounds, which we completed by the end of the day. The program started at 8 a.m. after the morning prayer and various students from different classes participated in the program.
The first 20 saplings were planted by the Principal, Vice-Principal and various teachers of our school. When they plant saplings, they also guide all the students standing around them about the best way to plant saplings or the steps of plantation. After that, all the students were given saplings for planting trees. During tree plantation, many school staff also help us and guide us to plant trees in a proper manner.
After the completion of the tree plantation, our Principal Sir gave an energetic speech on the same ground where we had planted trees around us how important tree plantation is for all of us in this world where various environmental causes are increasing. He also highlighted the benefits of having lots of trees around for humans and explained what diseases we prevent or reduce when we have trees around us. In the end, he thanked all of us for participating in this noble cause and making our school grounds more green.
3. Sample Report on Tree Plantation Programme in School
Topic: Write a report on the seminar plant trees save life and water.
Reported By Saurab Kamath
Gyan Niketan Public School, Delhi organized a tree plantation program on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June. A total of 200 saplings have been given by the District Forest Department for planting around the school area as they want to make our district more green. At the request of our Principal, students of all classes especially the junior section participated in this program. The program started at 8 o’clock after the morning assembly. We saw that a lot of plants were kept on the assembly ground. The responsibility of planting saplings was first given to the children of the junior class and all the senior students were asked to help the children during the plantation. Then along with the principal, teachers also planted the saplings in a proper manner. Lastly, all the remaining saplings were planted by the students of all the senior classes.
4. Report Writing on Tree Plantation
Topic: Write a report on a tree plantation programme organised in your school.
Reported By Rahul Dutta
On 28th September, our school successfully organized a tree plantation program with the help of many environmentalist volunteers from our district. Many teachers and students also contributed a lot by participating in this program. The DFO (District Forest Officer) of our district was invited as the chief guest.
The program started at 8:30 a.m. The volunteers guided everyone well to the correct way to plant trees. A total of 300 saplings were brought which we all had to plant together in the areas around the school and there was also a cage for each sapling which was covered from above after planting so that no animal could eat the sapling. A lot of posters were made by the students of our school which we had to put up in the plantation areas to spread awareness to more people.
First of all, the Chief Guest along with the Principal planted trees and put up a lot of posters around the place. After, everyone selected the perfect location as per their own and did the plantation. By 10 am everyone returned to school after planting saplings. Then our Principal Sir gave a powerful speech in the school and gave the message to everyone that tree plantation is very important for all living organisms. Everyone thanked each other for planting trees and the program ended.
5. Tree Plantation Programme Report Writing
Topic: Write a report on a tree plantation programme organised in your locality.
Reported By Aarav Gupta
On the occasion of International Environment Day on 5th June, our Society organized a tree plantation program. More than 30 members of our society participated in this program with great motivation. The objective of the event was that we had to plant 100 saplings in our society premises so that greenery and freshness could increase in the society. That day everyone was wearing the same green and white T-shirt for International Environment Day. All the items required during the plantation process were already brought and kept in the society store room. First of all, everyone roamed around the society and decided which was the best place for planting trees. Then one by one everyone planted saplings in the entire society, this entire incident was recorded on camera and saved in the records of the society. After the program was over, all the members were given a small flower plant as a gift by the Society Cub, which they could plant on their balcony. Everyone thanked each other for participating in this event and gave good wishes.
6. Tree Plantation Programme in College
Topic: Write a report on tree plantation programme in your college.
Reported By Harsh Sah
Our St. Stephen’s College organized a tree plantation program on 10th November, a day before Diwali to convey the message that we should celebrate Diwali and fireworks keeping in mind the importance of our environment. Our college secretary Sir Dr. Prashant Kumar participated in this program as the chief guest. For plantation, 150 saplings were provided to us by the District Municipal Corporation. The program started at 9 a.m. with Secretary Sir planting the first sapling with his own hands. After that, the Secretary gave a motivational speech and made everyone aware of the environment. Then after that, the teachers and students together planted all the saplings properly and poured water over all the plants. At last, the principal thanked everyone and gave best wishes for Diwali.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do you write a report on a tree plantation?
First, you should know the format of report writing. After that, describe all the incidents happening on the tree plantation programme step by step.
What is the main purpose of tree plantation?
To make our world more green and reduce global warming.
Thanks, your answer is very nice.
thanks your answer are very nice
So much helpful
Very nice….well done
Thank you so much. That’s very helpful.
It’s very useful thank you so much
Thanks very much
Thanks for this